Capitalize on Crypto Swaps with LetsExchange Affiliate Program

2 min readAug 23, 2021


Generate a new revenue stream by integrating your platform with LetsExchange or sharing referral links with your friends and subscribers.

The recently launched LetsExchange Affiliate Program enables crypto platforms and users to give their communities access to instant crypto swaps and earn commissions on each referred swap.

API Integration

The LetsExchange Development API is the most comprehensive solution for websites and apps to integrate a cryptocurrency exchange service powered by LetsExchange. Along with other customization options, our API enables you to set up your custom revenue share.

Best for: Crypto wallets, exchange and blockchain platform aggregators, other crypto-related platforms.

How it works

  • Check out the development API at
  • Contact us at in case of any questions
  • Integration is smooth and straightforward since the exchange process doesn’t require registration and KYC/AML
  • Your users will be able to swap 60,000+ crypto pairs on your platform without additional registration and verification procedures
  • You earn a commission from each swap coming from your platform

Affiliate Links

Suitable and profitable for virtually everyone, a unique affiliate link is the easiest way to start generating revenue with LetsExchange.

Best for: Media outlets, bloggers, influencers, marketers, and literally anyone interested in affiliate income.

How it works

  • Create a user account on
  • Go to Affiliate Program → Referral Links in your account
  • Create a referral link or a set of links for different channels
  • Share your link anywhere on the web
  • Earn 0.45% of each referred swap
  • Drive more swaps to increase your revenue share

Upcoming Features

A customizable and easy-to-install exchange widget from LetsExchange will allow your audience to instantly swap 250+ coins without leaving your platform.

Eye-catching call-to-action buttons leading to the LetsExchange platform will be added to the affiliate program along with exchange widgets.

Our upcoming white label exchange solution will enable you to launch your own cryptocurrency exchange service without the need to develop everything from scratch.

Affiliate Program Benefits

  • No revenue limits or restrictions. The more swaps you drive, the more money you earn.
  • No upper transaction limits. LetsExchange doesn’t limit the amount of cryptocurrency exchanged during a swap. Your affiliate income from a single transaction is also unlimited.
  • Instant swaps. LetsExchange doesn’t require users to register or go through a KYC procedure. Referrals can make swaps without any hassle, thereby increasing your affiliate revenue.
  • A large selection of supported coins. With 250 cryptocurrencies supported, users will likely find the trading pair of their interest. More digital coins are continuously added to the list of supported cryptocurrencies.
  • Fixed and floating exchange rates. LetsExchange caters to users of different preferences and levels of experience, which expands the target audience of the platform’s affiliates.

Reap all the benefits and capitalize on crypto swaps — join the LetsExchange Affiliate Program now.




Written by LetsExchange

LetsExchange is a go-to crypto exchange hub with 💰 5,000+ coins and tokens, ⛓️ bridge, 💵 60+ fiat currencies, 🌎 14 languages, 🚀 and DEX.

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