Just Listed: Meet SHIBA INU on LetsExchange

May 10, 2021


We are proud to list Shib Token (SHIB) on LetsExchange.io. Now, the SHIB army can swap 210+ coins for SHIB easily and safely.

The self-proclaimed “Dogecoin Killer”, SHIB is an ERC-20 token that features the same Shiba Inu dog as Dogecoin.

The SHIBA INU coin has just recently hit the market but it has already hit the headlines as the top gainer among all cryptocurrencies over the last week. As of this writing, SHIB has claimed the 19th position among all cryptocurrencies by its market capitalization.

We are glad to be on board with the Spaceshib that is currently skyrocketing straight to the moon. You can exchange SHIB without registration, anonymously and safely, on LetsExchange.io.




Written by LetsExchange

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