LetsExchange Is Live: Trade Crypto Without Registration, Limits, and Complications

3 min readMar 2, 2021


We are excited to announce the launch of LetsExchange, a one-stop multi-currency service for instant, limitless crypto trades without registration. The service is already available at https://letsexchange.io.

LetsExchange Features

Wide range of coins. You can now sell and buy 210+ coins (BTC, ETH, Litecoin, USDT, XRP, XMR, and many more) on LetsExchange. At least 100+ more cryptocurrencies will be added shortly — stay tuned for our updates.

No registration. We don’t require you to register nor do you need to provide any sensitive data to trade. It saves your time and boosts the safety level.

SmartRate technology. When you provide the data needed for the transaction, the SmartRate technology instantly picks the most beneficial rates across the world’s leading exchanges (Binance, Okex, KuCoin, Gate, Huobi, etc.) for every swap.

Fixed or floating rate. You can choose the fixed rate option to get the exact amount you see before you start a trade. This rate will be secured for you for 30 minutes. You can also select the floating rates option when you want to leverage volatility in your favor.

No upper limits. We don`t set upper limits for your transactions. Traders are the only ones who decide how much they need to exchange.

Speedy transactions. With the fully-automated exchange process, most transactions take an instant on LetsExchange. The transaction time depends only on the network speed of the selected cryptocurrencies. During Beta testing of the platform, the average transaction time was only 25 seconds.

Non-custodial service. You are the only one who owns and manages your coins. We don`t get ownership over your funds.

Validated coins. The coins available for trading on the platform are validated. You can be confident in their legit origin.

Top safety level. The platform`s security is enhanced by encryption, an SSL certificate, DDoS protection.

Exchange transparency. The exchange process is clear and transparent. You can request a receipt with all the transaction details.

How to Trade Crypto on LetsExchange

Thanks to the user-friendly interface with an all-in-one exchange widget, LetsExchange is suitable for both beginners and experts. To swap crypto with a few clicks, follow these easy steps:

  • Go to the platform’s homepage: https://bit.ly/3b3lIPf
  • In the exchange widget, choose a coin to sell and enter the amount to send.
  • Choose a coin to buy and provide the wallet address to which you will receive the funds.
  • Select the Fixed Rate option if you want to secure the current rate for 30 minutes. If you choose Floating Rate, the trade amount may change during the transaction process due to market price fluctuations.
  • To deposit the trade amount, scan the QR code or copy the deposit wallet address and send the exact trade amount to it.
  • Wait until the exchange is completed and receive the funds into your wallet.
  • Click “Get a receipt” if you want to receive your transaction details via email.

It’s that easy. Save your time at every step of a crypto swap and amplify your trading revenue with LetsExchange.




Written by LetsExchange

LetsExchange is a go-to crypto exchange hub with 💰 5,000+ coins and tokens, ⛓️ bridge, 💵 60+ fiat currencies, 🌎 14 languages, 🚀 and DEX.

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