Meet Siacoin, available for instant swaps on LetsExchange

Apr 27, 2021


LetsExchange supports 210+ coins and counting. One of them is Siacoin, the native coin of Sia, a decentralized cloud storage platform.

This platform doesn’t require signups, servers, and trusted third parties. It leverages blockchain technology to create a data storage marketplace that is more robust and more affordable than traditional cloud storage providers.

You can swap Siacoin instantly and safely on LetsExchange for any coin listed on the platform, including BTC, ETH, XRP, and more than 210 others.




Written by LetsExchange

LetsExchange is a go-to crypto exchange hub with 💰 5,000+ coins and tokens, ⛓️ bridge, 💵 60+ fiat currencies, 🌎 14 languages, 🚀 and DEX.

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