SafeMoon on LetsExchange: Official Announcement

2 min readApr 26, 2021


On Friday, April 23, the SafeMoon DeFi token has been listed on LetsExchange to enable the massive SafeMoon community to swap 210+ coins for SafeMoon anonymously, without registration and KYC.

We’ve been impressed by the SafeMoon community’s reaction to the news, yet the platform servers have been overwhelmed with a fascinating number of transaction requests. We’ve managed to increase the servers’ capacity in a few hours, but even that wasn’t enough to satisfy all the demand. The demand is so high that even the places we pull the liquidity from for SafeMoon couldn’t handle the traffic. Which speaks volumes regarding the volumes (little rhyme never hurts).

SafeMoon in a short time has set a new bar in the crypto space, that is really changing the game. We are proud to be on board with you during this game-changing event.

Since the servers were down for some time, a number of transactions didn’t go through immediately. Most transactions are already completed while the remaining ones will be processed as soon as possible.

If your swap on LetsExchange has been stuck, please contact our support team via and provide your Transaction ID and Transaction Hash or, another option, Recipient Address along with Transaction Hash. This will help us process your transaction faster.

To facilitate the processing of previously requested transactions, we had to set the lower limit for new SafeMoon swaps at the equivalent of $5,000. This is a temporary limit that will be lifted as soon as we complete the upgrade of our platform. We expect this to take around a week — please check back for updates here.

SafeMoon holders, you are a powerful community, and we’re doing our best to satisfy your demand for easy and safe SafeMoon swaps. All the delayed transactions will be completed and the LetsExchange platform’s capacity will be increased. Thank you for your patience and understanding, we’ll keep you updated on further developments regarding the SafeMoon token on




Written by LetsExchange

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