Up for Swaps on LetsExchange: QuarkChain

1 min readMay 14, 2021


We are happy to introduce another coin available for instant swaps on LetsExchange.

QuarkChain is a flexible, scalable, and user-oriented blockchain that leverages blockchain sharding technology to create a high-capacity peer-to-peer transactional network.

Quarkchain is powered by its own ERC-20 token abbreviated QKC. On LetsExchange.io, you can swap a huge variety of coins for QKC without signing up and providing your personal data.

To purchase QKC on LetsExchange, follow these easy steps:

  • Select QKC in the “You get” field
  • Pick a coin to exchange for QKC in the “You send” field
  • Indicate the amount and your recipient QKC address
  • Send the exact amount in your selected coin to the provided deposit address
  • Receive your purchased QKC in your wallet

No sign-up required, no limits applied — it’s easy, fast, and safe. And you can try it right now on LetsExchange.io.




Written by LetsExchange

LetsExchange is a go-to crypto exchange hub with 💰 5,000+ coins and tokens, ⛓️ bridge, 💵 60+ fiat currencies, 🌎 14 languages, 🚀 and DEX.

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