What Is Cryptocurrency Mining and How It Works

4 min readMar 29, 2021


How does cryptocurrency mining work and what coins can be mined? Let us have a closer look at cryptocurrency mining and check whether there is still a chance available to earn properly on mining without buying coins.

Cryptocurrency Mining — What Is It?

Cryptocurrency mining is the process of obtaining new coins by solving cryptographic equations. A similar definition can be easily found online. But do you understand what it means? Let us check what is behind it. For that, you need to understand what the blockchain is and how it works.

Blockchain Explained in Simple Words

A blockchain is a chain of blocks. Every block consists of transactions that are also recorded in a specific order. However, blocks and transactions aren`t recorded in a usual form, they need to be hashed first.

What is hashing though? Let us explain it with an example.

For example, Ana sends 3 Bitcoins to Angelica, Angelica sends the coins to Rob, and Rob sends the same Bitcoins to Dan. The consequence is clear, isn’t it? Now, have a look at how the entire process looks if we apply the hashing function. Hashing is the process of turning any set of data (in our case, it is the information about transactions) into a string of symbols. This string of symbols is called a hash.

For example:

When the Bitcoins of Ana are sent to Angelica, transaction A is recorded in the blockchain. Say, the hash looks like this:


Further, based on the data of transaction A and transaction B, transaction C is recorded when Angelica sends the coins to Rob. In the blockchain, new information is added to the data of the previous transaction. A new hash is generated:


And, finally, when Rob sends the money to Dan, transaction D is recorded in the ledger based on the data provided by the transactions A, B, and C. Again, a new hash is generated:


Every new hash is based on the information provided previously. We get a string, a chain of blocks. This is how the blockchain is formed.

Of course, the real blockchain consists of millions of transactions, but the principle is the same.

Mining: What Is Behind a Common Definition?

Now, you know what a block in the blockchain is. However, these blocks are not formed immediately when somebody sends or receives a coin. To be registered, the transactions and blocks have to be confirmed by miners. Only when miners solve a complex mathematical puzzle, a new coin is created, and the transaction is registered.

It sounds so simple, doesn`t it? However, the miners` rewards are high enough (a reward for one mined block is 6.25 BTC which is approx. 350,000 USD now; considering that every two weeks, 2016 blocks are mined, within two weeks, miners get a reward of 12,600 BTC in total which equals approx. 698,265,540.00 USD) to understand that simplicity is superficial.

And indeed, mining is not as simple as it might look. We have mentioned that every coin is a code, a string of symbols. One Bitcoin is a 64-digit hexadecimal value. “Hexadecimal” means that the string consists not only of numbers but also letters are included.

For example, one Bitcoin might look like this:


Do you remember the example with hashing? Now, you can imagine how complex the code is. But even this is not the limit.

Let us return to the previous example to explain why mining is an extremely demanding procedure.

We have three hashes, the next one is produced from the previous hash plus, some information was added:




Now, we want to make the calculation process more complicated. In every hash, we integrate a short number so that every hash ends in, for example, 00:




Now, to confirm each following transaction, a miner has not only to create a hash but to find out what once will make the hash end in 00. A nonce can be used once only.

In the case of Bitcoin, a new hash doesn’t have to end with 00 but has to have a value lower than or equal to the target. (A target is a hexadecimal number that adjusts when every 2016th block is mined).

If you think now that mining is more guessing than solving complex mathematical problems, you are right. Miners have to guess a nonce that produces the needed hash value.

There are quintillions of nonce variations. Huge computational power is required to process such calculations. To confirm transactions, Bitcoin miners use as much energy per year as the entire population of Argentina uses.

The competition is high, thus, the time to confirm a block is limited. Only the miner who first solves the puzzle gets a reward.

Final Thoughts

Now, when you know what is mining you understand why Bitcoin mining is so complicated. However, there are many cryptocurrencies that can be mined more easily. If you are a beginner and want something to start with, you can try mining other coins, such as ZCash, Monero or a variety of other coins. Of course, you aren`t going to get high rewards but you aren`t required to invest a lot, either. If you are more interested in trading crypto, 210+ of coins are available to buy and sell easily and safely on the LetsExchange platform.




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